The St. Barnabas Anglican Church building is a beautiful one. The sweeping front lawn, mature trees, warm brick exterior, distinctive Norman tower, rich stained glass and Casavant pipe organ all make for an attractive, traditional setting for a wedding. Many Couples would like to be married in such a building. But St. Barnabas is much more than just a building to be used as a "set" - like a movie soundstage, or something you might find in a theatre - for weddings. St Barnabas is also, and more importantly, the community of Christians who use this beautiful church building as the place in which to gather to worship God week by week. Any Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage in the St. Barnabas Anglican Church building is considered to be an important act of Christian worship and a part of the life of the community. So, if you are contemplating marriage at St. Barnabas, you need to know that you are choosing what is very much a religious - specifically Christian - ceremony which will be held in a place which is a part of a vibrant worshipping community. In this context, the Bible will be read, prayers prayed and you will make solemn vows, not only before a priest, friend and family, but also before the Living God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Anglican Church of Canada requires that at least one of the two people being married, but preferably both, be a baptized Christian. The vows made when a person is baptized are about adoption into God's family and active membership in the Church. Therefore, we at St. Barnabas believe it is vitally important for all couples contemplating marriage here to engage with the fact of Jesus Christ and His Church as a part of their marriage relationship. If you are not active worshipping members of a Christian church community, you are strongly urged to join us in worship at St. Barnabas, share in the life of our community and to explore what it means to follow Jesus before deciding on a Christian wedding.


Guidelines for those who have decided on a Christian Wedding at St. Barnabas:
Please plan at least three months prior to allow time for marriage preparation.  Preparation: it is important that all who seek marriage in the Church understand what Christian marriage is.  By definition, the word Christian is about Jesus Christ and His Church.  So at St. Barnabas, preparation for Christian marriage involves a premarital course.

Given these convictions, there are two opportunities to have your wedding take place at St. Barnabas Church.

First, if you are an active member of the parish, you are invited to apply to celebrate your wedding at St. Barnabas Church and have the Rector (or, with the consent of the Rector, another minister) officiate at the ceremony and oversee your marriage preparation.

Second, if you an active member of another church in a recognized Christian denomination, you are invited to apply to have a minster conduct a Christian wedding ceremony in the St. Barnabas building and to oversee your marriage preparation (subject to the consent of the Rector).

If you are not active worshipping members of a Christian church community, we encourage you to join us in worship at St. Barnabas, share in the life of our community and to explore what it means to follow Jesus before applying to celebrate your wedding at St. Barnabas Church.


Presiders: With the permission of the Rector, anyone holding proper credentials from the Alberta Provincial Government and a recognized Christian denomination may preside at a wedding ceremony at St. Barnabas

Participants: Relatives, friends and members of the wedding party are welcome to read Bible readings and lead the Prayers of the People. Other Christian pastors and ministers are also welcome to participate in the service.

Eucharist: Appropriate, but not necessary as part of the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage.

Rehearsal: Usually the evening before the wedding. Everyone with an active part to play in the ceremony should be there.

Music: Should be arranged with the sound operator. We can put you in touch with an organist should you require one.

Flowers: Are welcome for your celebration and may be left in the church for our Sunday worship after which they are delivered to people in hospital, or shut ins.

Pew Bows: Decorative white pew bows can be put out by members of the St. Barnabas Altar Guild before the ceremony.

Candles: Two candelabras complete with candles are available for your service.

Other Decorations: Please ask the Rector or Church Secretary.

Confetti, Rice, Birdseed: Not allowed.

Heat: St. Barnabas is not air conditioned. In the summer the church can be very warm. Advise your family and friends to dress appropriately.

Cost:  There is a $500 facilities fee for those who are not active members of St. Barnabas.  Honorariums for musicians, etc. are extra.  There is no fee expected for the Rector of the parish, but you should pay a retired priest or someone who is not on parish salary.  The facilities fee, or any donations, should be given to the office when booking or no later than 1 month prior to the rehearsal.  Cheques should be made out to St. Barnabas Anglican Church.

If you wish to explore the Celebration and Blessing of a Christian Marriage at St. Barnabas, contact the office.

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